1111 1111, FF, True, Value, Sat

White Circle

ORD Inscription Visible in the Hex Data

bitcoin-cli getrawtransaction e52092e700e07e ... 2d84c7bcb5ee44 1

This work leverages bitcoin data in its raw form to permanently record a pictoral representation of the atomic unit of the protocol: the sat.

Using bits as the pigment, we create an image that simultaneously explores bitcoin as a collective abstraction of value and a repository of verifiable reality: Abstract Realism.

It is archived on every bitcoin node (version 0.21.1 and above) and cannot be destroyed, copied, or altered.

The following describes the process of inscribing a circle shape on the bitcoin blockchain that is legible without a parsing protocol, visible to the naked eye.

The Process

We're focusing primarily on the writing functionality that the ordinals library offers. This gives us the ability to easily write bigger chunks of data a transaction and sets a standard for how that data can be parsed by other readers.

Base image to ASCII

We start by testing an inscription of a small circle that would fit in the most common bitcoin data visualisation: the hexdump command.

The base image of the circle needs to be converted to ASCII. The circle shape is intended to be visible on the hexadecimal output of the dump so we take the original image, and stretch to double the height, for each ascii character corresponds to 2 characters (nibbles) of the hexadecimal value.

Hexadecimal format

A commonly known hexdump format for the bitcoin genesis block uses the command $ hexdump -C -s 8 -n 285 blk00000.dat which outputs:

learnmeabitcoin.com #hexdump
linuxopsys.com linux-hexdump-command

Inscribing in the block

Running the ord command, from inside the bitcoin directory. Specify the directory where we store the blockchain, function "wallet inscribe" and the file we want to insribe.

            $ '/home/user/bitcoin-24.0.1/ord/ord' --bitcoin-data-dir=/media/user/disk/bitcoin_data wallet inscribe 'sat_ordinal_16.txt'
              "commit": "090e89a0c1c6e45697505e3d64e9b9832898b973bc9d6637cd8b242fbb71044f",
              "inscription": "c21b7c6cdd4758d486a55a37947dc4340bbb6eee6fb93d345d66226e4e7c3026i0",
              "reveal": "c21b7c6cdd4758d486a55a37947dc4340bbb6eee6fb93d345d66226e4e7c3026",
              "fees": 357

Once the transaction confirms, we get the following result on the block.

We can parse the data on the hex of the transaction, or query the bitcoin node to return a verbose transaction data format.

In a bitcoin explorer we can see more clearly what can be derived from the raw transaction data.

See on mempool.space
See on data mempool.space/api

Within the ordinal space, the figure is not as easy, specially later when 00 and FF are introduced. Because these don't have ascii table match, they produce a null character.
See on ordinals.com

Scaling up the resolution

By increasing the number of bytes per line, and removing the other 2 columns we get a more stylized view of the data.

The line length determines the resolution. In this study we're displaying 102 bytes per line.

101.593667 is the cubic root of 1048576.
1048576 Bytes = 1 Megabyte

Block inclusion of bigger inscription

The data is successfully inscribed but the format will change further as we try to find the best possible number of bytes to fit the image.

            $ '/home/user/bitcoin-24.0.1/ord/ord' --bitcoin-data-dir=/media/user/disk/bitcoin_data wallet inscribe 'sat_ordinal 102 trimmed realigned.txt' --fee-rate=5
              "commit": "be1c41727b10945b3307c479f3d05ff3202cd41c1f9b2159beb2466db80caca5",
              "inscription": "475c39c8df641208094e2fd2cf2d6f098cc75a9c9787ad8fc282c963cae32dbai0",
              "reveal": "475c39c8df641208094e2fd2cf2d6f098cc75a9c9787ad8fc282c963cae32dba",
              "fees": 14755

Cleaning up artefacts

Taproot witness data is split into 520 byte chunks. Each chunk is tagged with 3 bytes of data which need to be accounted for when creating the image, other wise it will offset the bytes and interfere with the circle.

A 520 byte line length could be used to produce an image that fits better in the taproot/ord protocol but that would require too much data.

The white circle

From the consensus rules, we know 1 COIN = 100000000. We can then represent what is commonly known as 1 bitcoin as a group of 100 million of these smaller atomic units of bitcoin known as sats.

This will help us put things in perspective and give a general sense of scale and amount of sats in existence.

As we zoom in to this cluster of sats, we can give it the shape of a white, sphere. White because it holds the value we prescribe to a sat, but also as a beacon of light and verifiable truth.

Ran multiple tests and studies to understand how the data would translate to the image. Optimizing for a good placement in the block assuming the 64 byte line length.

In the end, the circle was centered on the witness data and the alignment on the block context was dropped given that the preceding data is arbitrary and would shift the start of the inscription.

            $ '/home/user/bitcoin-24.0.1/ord/ord' --bitcoin-data-dir=/media/user/disk/bitcoin_data wallet inscribe 'sat_inscription_64_00_FF_v8.txt' --fee-rate=5
              "commit": "60ffd26626628e4b60b8a5a6666608b850c9fc64a4c9bb773ec56a7208606b16",
              "inscription": "e52092e700e07e44ed1709dcf40254678f65b7516e1ae789652d84c7bcb5ee44i0",
              "reveal": "e52092e700e07e44ed1709dcf40254678f65b7516e1ae789652d84c7bcb5ee44",
              "fees": 6690

Final inscription command using the ord protocol.


Historical References

Thought history we can find many examples of artists drawing inspiration from both natural and spiritual laws in search of ways to represent abstract realities. Many of which are informed by the social, economical, religious, and political context of their time.

Light is used to represent the divine and metaphysical. Visualisation of the artist's interpretation of scripture.

Representations of nature derived from religious text, using the code to inform the image.

Approaching form creation as a reaction and commentary to political friction and attempting to redefine or reject beauty.

Abstract representation embedded with ideological meaning, striving to influence the human self-perception.

Elevating in the everyday and celebrating the mundane as a way to intuitively avoid composition and self-expression. No invention, just investigation.

Formating for multi-layer: binary, hex, ascii

The raw bitcoin is usually visualised in the hex format but we're interested in relating the binary, hex, and ascii formats so we can define a format that aligns and overlays the different abstractions of the data.

We end up with a matrix that has the different formats all aligned.

From here, we're ready to take the resulting geometry, give it textures and shading, and render the final image. Based on the binary and associated hex values, we target each element with a light emiting materials of different intesities to achive the final result.

Inscribing a jpeg of the original inscription

See inscription

In order to have a permanent recording of the output image on the bitcoin blockchain, we take the resulting image (compressed) and run it through the ord protocol. At 1 sat per vByte.

Producing the hard physical copy

The final output is a 42 by 42 inch print mounted on a aluminium frame.

Bid on scarce.city

White Circle
1111 1111, FF, True, Value, Sat

42 x 42 inches TrueLife Acrylic
Thickness: 1/8”
Backing: 1/8” Dibond Aluminum
Attached 3/4” Deep Aluminium Sub-Frame